Friday, May 27, 2011

Band of the Day

Going back to my home Long Island for the band of the the today, The Roast Beef Curtains. These guys have a really laid back old school sound and are one of the biggest bands in the island ska scene. They've been touring the east coast lately and if you think you'd think you'd like to pop in to see them you can find their tour dates at


  1. The roast beef curtains? <.< I can't even put into words... lol. I wouldn't mind seeing these guys live, although I am stuck in the midwest.

  2. Another day, another cool band, keep it up!

  3. Hahahaha I love their name, absolutely brilliant! Wicked song, really like this one.

  4. mmmm... salty...

    Haha, I'm going to laugh if my band ever makes your list. I made a ska band back in high school called "Tom Skat and the Jumpcats."

    No vids, but a few songs are floating around the intertubes...

    A guy can hope.

    My Own Private Idaho

  5. Lol they probably could've picked a less gender-abrasive name.

  6. An interesting image springs to mind at that name

  7. @Lost in Idaho: I can't seem to find your band anywhere but if you could show me where to find a track I'll feature it =P
